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eridan vriska


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Eridan Ampora Homestuck Rose Lalonde Sollux Captor Vriska Serket MSPA shipping ...MS Paint Adventures фэндомы 

lj Пии oíi .5avfict WD It runs \ on +lie- iny<-hc>l i/iie/plAi^b by COWlrtlОП Qt\d UhCctWin,Eridan Ampora,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Rose Lalonde,Sollux Captor,Vriska Serket,MSPA shipping

моэ ’гпаиш,Eridan Ampora,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Rose Lalonde,Sollux Captor,Vriska Serket,MSPA shipping

 > ж*> • ; ' j - ’WËLJ** А /Я jj jjíi^V*j и ш ^K. ' * ш,Eridan Ampora,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Rose Lalonde,Sollux Captor,Vriska Serket,MSPA shipping


Aradia Megido Dave Strider Jade Harley John Egbert Kanaya Maryam Karkat Vantas Nepeta Leijon Rose Lalonde Terezi Pyrope Vriska Serket ...MS Paint Adventures фэндомы Homestuck Xamag Tavros Nitram Sollux Captor Equius Zahhak Gamzee Makara Feferi Peixes Eridan Ampora 

 2iL Уи ft .if хм Л 4 ) ! Hli \MhÍ/ ж,Aradia Megido,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Dave Strider,Equius Zahhak,Eridan Ampora,Feferi Peixes,Gamzee Makara,Jade Harley,John Egbert,Kanaya Maryam,Karkat Vantas,Nepeta Leijon,Rose Lalonde,Sollux Captor,Tavros Nitram,Terezi Pyrope,Vriska

Eridan Ampora Homestuck Vriska Serket Feferi Peixes Kanaya Maryam Aradia Megido Sollux Captor Terezi Pyrope Karkat Vantas grubs ...MS Paint Adventures фэндомы 

Why Eridan Shouldn't Grubsit

ugh this is so I fuckin unnatural wwhy did kar ask me to wwatch ower these stupid little grubs wwith this dtrtscraper stay awway from the empress you filthy slimeblooded landgrub twe got my eye on you sol AAAARGHH FUCK wwell okay its different wwith her,Eridan Ampora,Homestuck,MS Paint

Sollux Captor Homestuck Eridan Ampora Terezi Pyrope Feferi Peixes Vriska Serket scalemates grubs ...MS Paint Adventures фэндомы 

Sollux Captor,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Eridan Ampora,Terezi Pyrope,Feferi Peixes,Vriska Serket,scalemates,grubs

Sollux Captor,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Eridan Ampora,Terezi Pyrope,Feferi Peixes,Vriska Serket,scalemates,grubs

solgrub fishing

Sollux Captor,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Eridan Ampora,Terezi Pyrope,Feferi Peixes,Vriska Serket,scalemates,grubs

Sollux Captor,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Eridan Ampora,Terezi Pyrope,Feferi Peixes,Vriska Serket,scalemates,grubs

Sollux Captor,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Eridan Ampora,Terezi Pyrope,Feferi Peixes,Vriska Serket,scalemates,grubs

Sollux Captor,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Eridan Ampora,Terezi Pyrope,Feferi Peixes,Vriska Serket,scalemates,grubs

Sollux Captor,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Eridan Ampora,Terezi Pyrope,Feferi Peixes,Vriska Serket,scalemates,grubs

Sollux Captor,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Eridan Ampora,Terezi Pyrope,Feferi Peixes,Vriska Serket,scalemates,grubs

Sollux Captor,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Eridan Ampora,Terezi Pyrope,Feferi Peixes,Vriska Serket,scalemates,grubs


MSPA shipping Feferi Peixes Homestuck Vriska Serket Eridan Ampora ...MS Paint Adventures фэндомы 

MSPA shipping,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Feferi Peixes,Homestuck,Vriska Serket,Eridan Ampora


MSPA shipping Vriska Serket Homestuck Eridan Ampora MSPA comics ...MS Paint Adventures фэндомы 

■,n Ал íuúf»1' Vm>. I I „ ',(10« *■ crs^f b^sVi^ ib W^V 0Х>4,Л. «~f SWAj X cJtKN^ Caí«4" IWi.^tW- ^ iMi'H'l'’ ' Чк. »^Wu^Vi. I taftX 'VW'5 & l Q^oVrvej ^ fe. I V\oV- UX^ÿ>MiVert4 «vn^ L^tr^wv )<КНСЛчГ,MSPA shipping,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Vriska Serket,Homestuck,Eridan


Eridan Ampora Homestuck Vriska Serket ...MS Paint Adventures фэндомы 

A Chance Encounter

In what could have been a peaceful, uneventful day, an orange-blooded peasant and his lusus fled for their lives. "Ha ha ha!" She shouted triumphantly, "You can't escape me now! But did you honestly think you could, you pathetic loser?" "Hey!" shouted a figure from the shadows, "Hold on just a

Eridan Ampora Homestuck Vriska Serket ...MS Paint Adventures фэндомы 

Chief Lone Wolf

Okay Chief Lone Wdlf, hand ove v allllllll of your tri8e’s go^ds. Unles want to see j i( your tr(8e sma t it a e that us ttlers have if you recall i am a fuckin chief an royalty such as myself has no reason to followw orders from a ruffian landdwwellin lowwlife stupid stupid stupid the answwer

Eridan Ampora Homestuck Vriska Serket MSPA Ero ...MS Paint Adventures фэндомы 

Eridan Ampora,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Vriska Serket,MSPA Ero

Eridan Ampora Homestuck Feferi Peixes Tavros Nitram Kanaya Maryam Karkat Vantas Aradiabot Aradia Megido Vriska Serket grubs ...MS Paint Adventures фэндомы 

Grubsitting Eridan: Little Eridan's Revenge

fef thank god you came i seriously think im losin my mind wwatchin ovver these grubs wwell all they really do is sleep an hiss but they like to swwat at danglin objects and shit speakin a wwhich they relievve themselvves | wwherevver they damn wwell please an dont care about fuckin decency and

Another Reason Why Eridan Shouldn't Grubsit

SO, ALL OF YOU ARADIABOTS ARE HERE BECAUSE I FUCKED UP AN INFINITE AMOUNT OF TIMES? essentially yes yOur mistakes both directly and indirectly lead to the need to dOOm multiple timelines INDIRECTLY? HOW DOES THAT EVEN it would be taxing for me to recite every instance but ill give One example

Doomed Timeline Animated Panels

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