Я, пожалуй, оставлю это без описания.
снгйся. тсшч For "The Hoinestuck Doujinshi" Parts 1+2 ■ my mom "this is how everything happens for m now on" "gosh” - andrew hussie - BARACK OBAMA "UNPRECI 57 lt.au/tl. bjcjajd. tltlA. i+Lajtjgja. Q-ap-OJt о .4 o. ffrrh- cLOTfiic.) ajtxL 57 iJtluJt. i± lA TWatvy. QtrmL. DENTED" -Toby "RADIATOR SPRINGS" fox -7tLi.cJi-<±y- mjoilAjC-! Mu frier.il Sallu gc>t pregnant. 1 didn't tbinf sbe was readu fc>r that find of thing. She wasnt. She Sold the tabu ?nt«> slaveru, where it wc>rfs eVeru dau. dau and right. and it almcst died this doujinshi is dedicated to her happy birthday alexis — Д|_£ JJ I 0RSfl V 1 ЯМ> tKIs ССЖ1С LbFf f© Я1да УО0 Vi t>bICb OF SKTf уой tAis tAis is JAPAN or sometAiHg ??? sic% fuefy.
karkat speeds towards gamzee on The Jetski, but cannot stop The Jetski. As he is about to pass under the floating gamzee, Gamzee's ridiculous gams suddenly clamp down on karkat's head, halting him in space. The Jetski rockets into the distance, its final destination a mystery.
the prize! a Homestuck... so lavish! but problems
gamzee that is evil and you are corrupt, it is time that i becom ' ' not do the bad tbibg^licTu af I у i am si not an acceptable moirail becau/e am $iot stoi^piri,K^pu from doing ingpjjecauselvpu kind of s- & ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ l JOHN THERE IS A RACE TO WIN HOMESTUCK GAMZEE WANT! TO WIN, AND HE WINS HE WILL K1L HOMESTU CK WE HA\T TO HIM at the race to save home stuck
corne here strang< children \r\ obsce? clothing why 4Ы VCU Сб/ЧЕ to m
ГМ start with the weakest teamz. so as to not overwhelm you TEAM SCOURGE Speed: Accuracy: Rage: Spiders: Accelarate Car to not explode: Speed: Oil slick: * * * ******* ************* * * * * * * so weak! r dont even worry rabout these douche f baggies. the only I thing is if you are * afraid of spider, bad.
KETCHUP TEAM dawg UNCANNY HOTNESS: HEBREW NATIONAL: McDonalds joke: CAR TO NOT EXPLODE: SPEE § : JUMPSUITS: NOT TEREZI: GHoast: NICE BUTTS: THEY HAVE A DOCTORATE: OK YOU GET IT: ********** ********** their uftimate weakness is THEIR SECRET INTERNET LIVES Aradia is secretly a beauty guru on youtube. She has 50 tutorials, 68 hauls, and 326 video memes uploaded on her channel None of them have over 40 veiv/s._______________________ Every one of his posts is just an audio clip of him screaming wordlessly for several minutes. He has 20-followers._________________________________________
wwrrwe FUCK DO SO (AWUy P6oft.t wfcNT TO win fe STUCK?? A escape.
John continues his plight as the brave and heroic karkat sacrifices himself to avenge the ruination of his own beautiful thigh. WILL JOHN WIN THE RACE» WHO WILL WIN?????
ms paint adventures,фэндомы,John Egbert,Homestuck,Rose Lalonde,Dave Strider,Jade Harley,Karkat Vantas,Gamzee Makara,Doc Scratch,Tavros Nitram,Kanaya Maryam,Aradia Megido,Sollux Captor,Terezi Pyrope,Andrew Hussie,Problem Sleuth,Problem Sleuth Adventure,Nepeta Leijon,Equius Zahhak,sweet bro and hella jeff,длиннопост
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