Equius Zahhak :: Rose Lalonde :: Karkat Vantas :: Homestuck :: MS Paint Adventures :: фэндомы

Karkat Vantas Homestuck Rose Lalonde Equius Zahhak ...MS Paint Adventures фэндомы 

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I Anonymous asked ask-carcinoqeneticisf:	block answer X
hey i was wondering why female trolls have boobs even though they dont feed their young?,Karkat Vantas,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Rose Lalonde,Equius Zahhak

Karkat Vantas,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Rose Lalonde,Equius Zahhak

Karkat Vantas,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Rose Lalonde,Equius Zahhak

— centaursTesticle [CT] began trolling tentacleTherapist [TT] — CT: D —> Greetings human highblOOd
CT: D —> I have refrained from sullying my reputation by fraternizing with aliens
CT: D —> But it appears my initial expectations may have been inaccurate
TT: Is that so?
CT: D —> I have learned

CT: D —> I assume that because members of your own species act in place of a proper lusus, you are also capable of producing milk
CT: D —> Which means even after separation with your caretaker you are capable of producing such fine nectar CT: D —> Which, if I may be candid, stirs feelings of

Karkat Vantas,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Rose Lalonde,Equius Zahhak

I Anonymous asked ask-carcinoqeneticisf: block answer X hey i was wondering why female trolls have boobs even though they dont feed their young?

— centaursTesticle [CT] began trolling tentacleTherapist [TT] — CT: D —> Greetings human highblOOd CT: D —> I have refrained from sullying my reputation by fraternizing with aliens CT: D —> But it appears my initial expectations may have been inaccurate TT: Is that so? CT: D —> I have learned of our mutual interests and our similarities in lusi TT: Would you care to enlighten me? CT: D —> For instance, I thought myself unique in my passion for lusus milk TT: Wait.. . CT: D —> Yet apparently it is a rather common practice among you humans TT: Yes, many humans can drink milk. TT: I may regret this, but what milk are you talking about? CT: D —> I have learned that your lusus in particular is capable of producing milk CT: D —> For a moment I felt a fOOl for not noticing the udders until now CT: D —> The location is different, but I assume the practice and taste are the same CT: D —> I STROHGLY appreciated my lusus Aurthor's eXellent milk on a daily basis
CT: D —> I assume that because members of your own species act in place of a proper lusus, you are also capable of producing milk CT: D —> Which means even after separation with your caretaker you are capable of producing such fine nectar CT: D —> Which, if I may be candid, stirs feelings of respectful jealousy in me CT: D —> Perhaps if we meet in person at some point, we could discuss our cultures over a pleasant glass of milk CT: D —> Hello CT: D —> ftre you still there

Karkat Vantas,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Rose Lalonde,Equius Zahhak
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*шутка про усы на первом изображении Роуз*
Ну.... ей идёт.
Кстати, всегда интересовало, зачем троллям сиськи, если они физиологически ближе к инсектоидам, нежели к млекопитающим? Хотя, это может быть и рудиментом — уж больно искусственной выглядит их нынешняя система размножения.
Modti/iO) S
А ты всё не оставляешь попыток...
MrShift MrShift 01.09.201620:09 ответить ссылка -2.7
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I Anonymous asked ask-carcinoqeneticisf:	block answer X
hey i was wondering why female trolls have boobs even though they dont feed their young?

Karkat Vantas Homestuck MS Paint Adventures фэндомы Equius Zahhak Rose Lalonde удалённое

I Anonymous asked ask-carcinoqeneticisf: block answer X hey i was wondering why female trolls have boobs even though they dont feed their young?