Homestuck :: MS Paint Adventures :: фэндомы

Homestuck ...MS Paint Adventures фэндомы 

Build your own HOMESTUCK ENDING THEORY Still fooling lost and confused about Homestuck? want to express what you think of it, but are intimidated by the cornucopia of possibilities and unresolved- open-ended plot threads? Just want a theory of your very own, like all the coolkxds do? Well, despair no longer' With this simple and conprehenelve theorycraftlng tool, you, too can create your own Interpretation of Homeetuck'e ending, and Ьесотге a bona-fide Hcoestuck Theorist""' Just follow these sinplo guidelines, and don't worry too nuch about how it all fits together; as long as you don't pick two outright contradictory options, your theory is guaranteed 100% Plausibly Canonical, or your boonbucke back' GUIDE: ^ -Proceed ""^ -I one or multiple options l Won 1 Because i—i- The The House Condos oo 4> *-> iso’t really was a A-mA red herring VTiska was mlndcontrol led the whole Lord English ---------i--------- Was Destroyed 1 By The The The Andrew House ** Sleek ++ Kaster- ++ Kuasie Juju Hole piece | I The Kids 1 Was Trapped 1 By l 1 1 The The The end Andrew House -<-► Black «-> of the Husale JUJU Hole conic I And was left i-------Г11!----------1 Cutside Inside ^ ^ Inside ^ ^ Inside conic conic Black Hole House JUju Were Killed Entered the White Door Condosee i 1 Outside the * To their ► new universe To the maeter-pio-o Is Safe and Happy ~r The New Universe They prevented Lord Bngllah won* t kllled/tr«i4>^4-^Lore English fro. ness with then, Lord English reapawvning in bcoouso that would upset Ms tlimlcop Is irrelevant, because the kids left the comic Is Fucked Sbuxb will he played Lord Eng. again in their Isn't universe, destroying roally f everything Lord English nonlinear The Masterpiece l Happened 1 Didn't happen 1 I Character Arcs Were Mostly Fulfilled Were Mostly Unfulfilled Scoot King, something. It was story conventions, 4-----► badly something, something, written "real people don't I l The Ghost Army Died in the Black Hole 1 Lived r=4 UM J L l The Sprites and SpritesA2 г 1 Vanished, because they are game constructs Lived, because why wouldn't they? Gamzee i Died in Collide I Vriska 1 1 Survived in the fridge, and arrived in Caliborn's session via Black Hole 1 1 1 Got 1 1 1 г And r L i Deserved it 1 , Deserve it 1 Griska 1 Is 1 1 ► Awful 1 Got 1 Fucked Over 4---------► Rewarded And Deserved it Deserve it l , 1 1 that's why I thought this ending 1 was 1 Bullshit And there you have it; your very own 100% legitimate Homestuck Ending Theory! Now spruce it up, tie everything together with the relevant foreshadowing, sprinkle with references to Gnostic mythology and/or cheesy 90's films, and it'll be ready to share with what'a left of the fandom! Now you, too, can join in the great Homestuck Discourse until the epilogue arrives and proves 90% of these theories wrong. Until then, good luck and happy Homestucking! The "Build Tout own Homestuck Boding Theory" theory builder 1* Intended solely for the building of Hcnestuok ending theories. Do not atteapt to use "Build your own Honsatuck Ending Theory- for the building of headcanons, diaouaaiona, assays, analyses, fan-an dings. mini canons, slaahfic, ahitpoBts. existential minings on the purpose of life, or slam poetry of any kind. Do not attempt to use "Build Tour own Kcaiestuok Ending Theory" to build thoorlos on other sogmonts of Bcmostuck besides tbo ondlng. Do not attenpt to use "Build Tour own Homestuck Ending Theory" to build ending theories for other webcomlcs. television shows, movies, novels, video games or other interactive entertainment, plays, radio drimas, epic poetry, interpretive dances or other entertainment media. Pregnant wemen. the elderly, and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to "Build Your own Bcmostuck Ending Theory". "Build Tour own Hsncstuck Ending Theory" contains a liquid ooro. which. If exposed duo to rupture, should not bo touched, Inhaled, or looked at. Discontinue use of "Build Tour own Homestuck Ending Theory" if any of the following occurs: Itching, vertigo, dlszlness, tingling In extremities, loss of balance or coordination, slurred speech, tanporary blliwtoesa, profuse sweeting, or heart palpitations. Do not taunt "Build Tour own Иене stuck Ending Theory"
MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Homestuck
Еще на тему
Что ж, практически все теории были рассказаны, если даже не все, автор молодец. (Ток я чет не понял, кто такая Гризка?)
GoldP GoldP 03.10.201620:13 ответить ссылка 0.0
Типо мёртвая Вриска?
GoldP GoldP 03.10.201620:22 ответить ссылка 0.2
Типа да.
А ещё они не учли вариант когда Ехидный ХАссий просто тормозит 7Акт (прям голыми руками) и так тихонько хихикая "вот вам и будет открытая концовочка" уходит во тьму...

К коням.
Как же я скучал по схемам хоумстака
есть ли что то типа этого,но с переводом или изначально на русском?
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