:Wwhat do you mean you can't be here? :W)-(at i mean is t)-(at i cant be t)-(ere because t)-(eres an 'emergency' i need to take care of :Well t)-(at's w)-(at Meena)-( told me :I'm very sorry guppy, but I really cant. You know )-(ow Meena)-( is. I dont often get calls from )-(er so i feel like t)-(is is important. :)-(ow about taking t)-(is opportunity to take a break from vlogging. Just relax and )-(ave some fun! It)-(ink you really need it 8D :B-but- ugh fiiiine. Since i'm already here might as wwell make it wworth it. Hopefully This one is not as hectic as the last one i vvisited. :C'mon Fef wwe already planned for this wweeks ago. :Wwhat about about our vvlog? Its more fun wwhen you're around. :T)-(ats great Eri! I )-(ope you )-(ave a great time t)-(ere!! :And dont forget to be polite okay? I need to prepare now, ttyl Eri. :0kay okay just be carefull, bye Fef :Bye! 8D
J~ Ca<r\\ boijc ô*f noww, ctAr\ X? Qfhnjwiic shell be. really upset 3/jA Lets ÿà H\\i ow^r WWifA
Tk»i р\л<Лis k«ffcr T e^pecfed. ЛЦМ- corne Wk Kere WU/iH^ Fef +Ô l\ft*gouF tAi/ h ike last sech'on.
X ^ if? <Х-а real merman ¡J*
aquariumstuck,AUstuck,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,MSPA comics,Eridan Ampora,Kanaya Maryam,The Handmaid,Dirk Strider,Dave Strider,Cronus Ampora,Terezi Pyrope,Vriska Serket,Equius Zahhak,Sollux Captor,Jake English,John Egbert,Roxy Lalonde,Rose Lalonde,Jane Crocker,Wayward Vagabond,Karkat Vantas,Gamzee Makara,MSPA shipping
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