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Homestuck ...MS Paint Adventures 

Заметьте, как художественный стиль Хасси прошёл путь от прекрасных, длинных конечностей, чудесных волос и пальцев

MS Paint Adventures,разное,Homestuck

MS Paint Adventures,разное,Homestuck

MS Paint Adventures,разное,Homestuck

MS Paint Adventures,разное,Homestuck

MS Paint Adventures,разное,Homestuck

До "вот этого вот"

MS Paint Adventures,разное,Homestuck

MS Paint Adventures,разное,Homestuck

MS Paint Adventures,разное,Homestuck

MS Paint Adventures,разное,Homestuck


Homestuck Caliborn UPD8 homosuck ...MS Paint Adventures 


Jake English Homestuck Dirk Strider Roxy Lalonde Jane Crocker dodostad ...MS Paint Adventures фэндомы 

Jake English,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Dirk Strider,Roxy Lalonde,Jane Crocker,dodostad

r63 Karkat Vantas Homestuck Terezi Pyrope Kanaya Maryam planetofjunk MSPA smut Mindwipe artist ...MS Paint Adventures фэндомы 

Предыстория (типа того) под катом.

r63,Karkat Vantas,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Terezi Pyrope,Kanaya Maryam,planetofjunk,MSPA smut,Mindwipe,artist

r63,Karkat Vantas,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Terezi Pyrope,Kanaya Maryam,planetofjunk,MSPA smut,Mindwipe,artist

r63,Karkat Vantas,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Terezi Pyrope,Kanaya Maryam,planetofjunk,MSPA smut,Mindwipe,artist

r63,Karkat Vantas,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Terezi Pyrope,Kanaya Maryam,planetofjunk,MSPA smut,Mindwipe,artist


Dirk Strider Homestuck FNAF Игры crossover MSPA Gif без перевода ...MS Paint Adventures фэндомы 

Dirk Strider,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,FNAF,Игры,crossover,MSPA Gif,HS Gif,без перевода

> Dirk: Check systems.

*******,Dirk Strider,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,FNAF,Игры,crossover,MSPA Gif,HS Gif,без перевода

Everything appears to be in order. You usually use a more reliable source of power, but from 12-6 AM you switch to a generator with a limited gas supply to keep things interesting. You’re not using a lot of power yet but things are just getting started. Beneath that is the current time: Time to play a game. 

> Dirk: Activate cameras.

Dirk Strider,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,FNAF,Игры,crossover,MSPA Gif,HS Gif,без перевода

Cameras are no fun unless they’re hidden.Let’s be real here.

> Dirk: Check cameras.

You toggle through the different camera views just because you can. 

> Dirk: Check CAM 1A already.

Dirk Strider,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,FNAF,Игры,crossover,MSPA Gif,HS Gif,без перевода

There they are. Your beautiful Murdermatronics. You built these things years ago after your pop cultural studies led you to a successful horror franchise. You played all seven games in one sitting, as well as several fanmade games. You found the premise and storyline intriguing and the animatronic characters quite endearing. Apparently, you are a minority in this respect as most humans at the time found the furry/puppet/robots terrifying. Weirdos. 

Anyway, you decided it would be a good idea to make your own. They’re pretty chill most of the day, but from 12AM to 6AM they enter Stalking Mode and wander around the apartment whenever the cameras aren’t looking. It’s a sweet game of red light/green light that keeps you on your toes. The key is to make sure they don’t get in your room, but if one manages to slip under the radar, it’s a grisly fight to the death. 

You have one more Murdermatronic, but he likes to stay tucked away in the crawlspace most of the time. 

Jump ahead.

*******,Dirk Strider,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,FNAF,Игры,crossover,MSPA Gif,HS Gif,без перевода

1 AM. 

Dirk Strider,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,FNAF,Игры,crossover,MSPA Gif,HS Gif,без перевода

Two of them are up and about. Where’d they go?

Dirk Strider,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,FNAF,Игры,crossover,MSPA Gif,HS Gif,без перевода

Dirk Strider,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,FNAF,Игры,crossover,MSPA Gif,HS Gif,без перевода

Not far. Look at them wandering around like they don’t got a clue where you are. They know damn well where you are and you know it. They know you know it. More importantly, you know they know you know they know. You programmed them to know that after all. They only pretend like they don’t know in order to try and mess with you. 

Dirk: Check the crawlspace.

Crawlspace,Dirk Strider,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,FNAF,Игры,crossover,MSPA Gif,HS Gif,без перевода

No change. Let’s hope it stays that way. 

Jump ahead again.

Dirk Strider,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,FNAF,Игры,crossover,MSPA Gif,HS Gif,без перевода

Dirk Strider,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,FNAF,Игры,crossover,MSPA Gif,HS Gif,без перевода

3 AM and things are picking up. Snookems is chillin’ in the bathroom, and Chuck’s out getting some fresh air.

Uh-oh, where’s the other one…?

Dirk Strider,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,FNAF,Игры,crossover,MSPA Gif,HS Gif,без перевода

Oh hell no. 

Dirk: Quick! Close the door!

Okay, but it’s your wardrobifier, not a door. 

Fuck off, Trapshot. 

Dirk: Check systems again.

Dirk Strider,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,FNAF,Игры,crossover,MSPA Gif,HS Gif,без перевода

Of course keeping the wardrobifier shut leeches power like a starved vampire in a blood bank. Like a sparkly undead asshole that hasn’t fondled a good neck in months and suddenly found himself crotch deep in hemoglobin goodness, so he gets himself a straw and starts guzzling. Can’t keep it shut for too long. 

Gone for now…

Dirk: Check the crawlspace again.

VT 'T'-i.:..? \% I,Dirk Strider,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,FNAF,Игры,crossover,MSPA Gif,HS Gif,без перевода


Living Room,Dirk Strider,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,FNAF,Игры,crossover,MSPA Gif,HS Gif,без перевода

Dirk Strider,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,FNAF,Игры,crossover,MSPA Gif,HS Gif,без перевода

Yeah, there was pretty much no way that giant puppet wasn’t gonna come outta there at some point. 

Dirk: Shut the door again!!

You shut your wardrobifier just in the nick of time. 

Skip to the end.

Dirk Strider,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,FNAF,Игры,crossover,MSPA Gif,HS Gif,без перевода

Well fuck. 

Chuck is being a particularly belligerent asshole right now. 

Dirk: Run out of power.

Dirk Strider,Homestuck,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,FNAF,Игры,crossover,MSPA Gif,HS Gif,без перевода

Oh well.

Can’t win ‘em all. 

DIRK: Come at me, bro. 

DIRK: I’m ready for you.

Aw would you look at that. And you were ready to rumble too. At least you don’t have to worry about repairing any damage to them or yourself. Guess you better go make breakfast and shower now. 


Nepeta Leijon длиннопост Meulin Leijon Equius Zahhak Damara Megido Aradia Megido Aranea Serket Vriska Serket Terezi Pyrope Marquise Spinneret Mindfang ...MS Paint Adventures фэндомы Homestuck Takara Time E%ecutor Darkleer Horuss Zahhak The Disciple Orphaner Dualscar Cronus Ampora Neophyte Redglare The Handmaid Latula Pyrope 

Очень много комиксов. Да.

•ЪЪ< Pl£A5fe TÂKé лЛ£ iaJ^t H VûO,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Nepeta Leijon,Homestuck,длиннопост,Meulin Leijon,The Disciple,Horuss Zahhak,Equius Zahhak,E%ecutor Darkleer,The Handmaid,Damara Megido,Aradia Megido,Orphaner Dualscar,Cronus Ampora,Aranea Serket,Vriska Serket,Terezi Pyrope,Latula

LeitoM doof Wr'lO^V,$OAS. ^ УоU /V\V^V ^ beWt ^oor- «»tUeS frCCor- b.nO b\oO rCN Л ;ЗЪ*.ел\и'*оЪ7 □ l33<t^u'iosU *rc5&i* ^Й#* .a lApV/* » J (.А.0.Л^)У yJOfkvJÿj S--Ü .. MtéutxwA о (^>шс?)<цо^055,Д Ф«ц»л»'*Г! <?(AA¡) 0--XX33 >aIlç T ¿\\r<*>V\V ) W»«As, со«'4* »ASiíit Л**
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£)*ллага, \\ouf S oft'1* ЬеоД •aicaS VU b^o It-C,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Nepeta Leijon,Homestuck,длиннопост,Meulin Leijon,The Disciple,Horuss Zahhak,Equius Zahhak,E%ecutor Darkleer,The Handmaid,Damara Megido,Aradia Megido,Orphaner Dualscar,Cronus Ampora,Aranea Serket,Vriska Serket,Terezi

1 Wvh AT ‘ 'l DIB Г. TÇU YOU ASOOT GOIMGIN МЧ ROO/Л?! '$йиТ UP С RO i vou ímwt? ¡TH€ Ь055 1 íW€ Vou stereo XT,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Nepeta Leijon,Homestuck,длиннопост,Meulin Leijon,The Disciple,Horuss Zahhak,Equius Zahhak,E%ecutor Darkleer,The Handmaid,Damara Megido,Aradia

\c\\)rl ib Í3fcWtí4lr4(Kn K) ÔUJ w f и^ЪА\Ъ >иОЛ)6 OVïb ) 0/> ТИ ^ T qpJt^r / rUrtis (Ц no лессА +o W ^ aroiut ° \ Ш V obJerti' tVvc btftis *• ^ -4 *Л)г1Г y WV- x j^oor (Aftuar''tr )■ 3C *ЪЫл£.Ч[Ш Чои Ыалло, $ a'^™ +Vv<xV fo ~ ^ f^ и>4МИ G3T e_, •»ûurr^ H3ÍW,MS Paint


commemo Homestuck HS roleplay ...MS Paint Adventures фэндомы 

What if 4.

А теперь самое интересное (а может быть и нет).

Настало время отыгрыша персонажей. Предлагаю такую схему: вы должны указать, где находится ваш персонаж, что находится вокруг него, а затем другие люди говорят ему что делать. Само действие выбирается автором персонажа из предложенных.

Если у кого есть схема получше - смело предлагайте, я вообще не уверен как эта сработает.
AAAAUUUUU UUUUUUUUU UGH.-ATH PESTERCHUM © tu3 — turntableGottheit PESTERLOG: TG: i!«5 da TG: pi a sa<i ja PESTER PESTERCHWÍ CHAT CLIENT CHUMROLL: © turntableGottheit 9 tentakelTherapeutin © gartenGnostikerin MYCHUMHAHDLE : ectoBiologe STDDIUIÏG: o KUKPLIG o GRUMMLIGv' o zu Mett

Undertale Undertale music W. D. Gaster Undertale персонажи Vriska Serket Homestuck ...#ms paint adventures фэндомы 

Интелект, или Удача?


Aradia Megido Sollux Captor Tavros Nitram Karkat Vantas Homestuck salihombox ...MS Paint Adventures фэндомы 

Немного доброты ]:)

и у «r ^ О €T <2 4% ^ow<> o J? O’O^ '"£S f»,« ««io -v .Pi * O^ о J5 о If « о ♦ * 'О* О О О <5 оО ^ _ 00» о - &ъ,MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Aradia Megido,Sollux Captor,Tavros Nitram,Karkat Vantas,Homestuck,salihombox

Homestuck homosuck Dave Strider Jake English Jane Crocker John Egbert Rose Lalonde Roxy Lalonde belledecam commemo ...MS Paint Adventures фэндомы 

MS Paint Adventures,фэндомы,Homestuck,homosuck,Dave Strider,Jake English,Jane Crocker,John Egbert,Rose Lalonde,Roxy Lalonde,belledecam,commemo
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